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This game is pretty awesome! The art style is very simple and interesting, along with the mecahnics. The puzzles are simple while also requiring some thinking. Great job with this, I would love to see some animation to make the ghost movement smoother, but thats just me lol. This game reminds me of Conway's Game of Life, another great game!

Really fun and relaxing game, great job! The mechanic is quite simple and intuitive yet it can make for interesting puzzles based on the initial ordering. I really like your manual levels, it really shows the different patterns you can memorize for future reference and how they interact. Early on I thought to myself "Damn I really wish there was an undo button as well and not just reset". But then I realized that because of how the mechanic works, simply redoing your previous click essentially does the undo by design. This was probably obvious immediately to most people but I found it really cool when I realized it works that way! The artstyle and background music are also very pleasant to look at and listen, really nice work!